What service should I choose?

Are you getting ready to send out your manuscript for submission to agents or publishers, but are stuck on how to pitch it? Take a look at a query consult. This will help refine your cover letter and pitch.
Do you have a work in progress that you want feedback on? Take a look at a partial manuscript consult. This is a broad strokes critique of a not-yet-finished manuscript.
Do you have a completed manuscript that you just can't refine any more on your own? Check out the full manuscript consult. This is a broad strokes critique of the complete book, good for first and second drafts.
If you've finished your manuscript and already given it a few passes through the editorial lens, and are looking for more refining and polish, look at developmental editing. This is the closest to what a publishing house does upon acquisition of a title, and is good for second drafts and on.

If your work is not a good fit with my services for any reason, written declination will be sent via email within 10 business days of receipt. All flat fee rates are subject to adjustment based on the size and scope of the project, and will be agreed upon prior to any in-depth work.

Still not sure what is best for you? Contact me!

I'm in! How do I get started?

Awesome!  The process starts by contacting me to discuss what you're looking for.  I offer an initial manuscript evaluation of your manuscript and synopsis at no cost, and will send you an email with a suggested plan for your project.  

If you are an author with a picture book manuscript, please email the complete text as a word or pdf attachment.

If you are an author with an early reader, chapter book, middle grade or YA novel or non-fiction project, please email a one-page synopsis and the first 10 pages of your text as a word or pdf attachment.  

More questions?

Contact me!